Words Are The Medium
The initial title for this article was “The Authoritative Power of Words” but after thinking long and deep about the function of words, i decided to change it to what it is now. After all, i am a person who is immersed in the world of words, what they mean, what the convey and what their effect is. The effect of words can be easily seen as their results can be instant. When you say something offensive, you immediately see the result, likewise, when you wish someone well, they response can be visible and measurable. Words can spur people to action or calm them down in de-escalation. Why do words carry such power? You have probably heard of the childhood rhyme “sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words can never hurt me”, which initially was used to teach children to rise against bullying, but now has broken into other spheres of life.. The rhyme has become an idiom, because the truth of the matter is this: words have an effect. Whether they are hurtful or not is besides the point at this moment. What is worth investigating is their effect. Why do words have an effect? Words are not the only way we communicate as human. We can communicate through body language, through feelings or through visual representations. None of these methods carry the same effects in communication as words. You can feel when someone loves you but when they say it, the feeling is amplified. Feelings are great, feelings are strong but they do not come close to the power of surety that words bring, it is rock solid. Words spur unto action, they inspire and move. they can build up or they tear down. They seem to be unparalleled in their commanding nature. But where is this unbridled power coming from? It is safe to say words are representative, they represent the speaker. As humans we don’t make words, we use them. A new born baby learns how to speak from hearing the parents and surrounding people talk. That is how language is learnt. In fact, goes deeper that that. Most of the time thought comes to us in words, most people call this the inner voice. Because of this, i am persuaded that even the deaf hear the inner voice. Surely they hear it, or how else can think? Thinking is as fundamental to us as breathing, an inescapable aspect of survival and development. Everybody thinks. Biological research state that the inner ear is one of the first organs to develop during the formative stages of a baby in the womb. The inner ear is to hear the inner voice. Thoughts are words transported in the form of an inner voice. Therefore we get to experience words very early in our development. This not only make words powerful but it make them important. Words are a conduit, a verbal expression of the creative power that inhabits the universe. In the bible, it says God spoke the world into existence. Perhaps that is where we can find the best answer; in that because God uses words, we too use words.
I heard about a certain experiment a few years ago, which sought to demonstrate the creative power of words. Two pot plants were put in a room with the same type of conditions. For a number of days, positive and encouraging words were spoken to one plant, negative and discouraging words were spoken over the other plant. The plant that received good and positive communication began to bloom and the plant receiving negative and discouraging words began to die. I don't believe it was the words in and of themselves that caused the effect but what the words carried- energy. See, words carry the energy of the sender or speaker. Words represent you and your energy, and not just YOUR energy, but the energy of everything around us. For this energy to materialize in the physical, it is brought through and solidified by words. You can feel something and still be unsure, but when it is spoken, you are left without a doubt! You can only consider something true when it is spoken to you. A person can harbor ill-will against you, but unless that ill-will spoken, it cannot be fully be recognized or materialized. This ideology puts a bit of tension between words and actions. Some people believe that actions speak louder than words. But that is a new phenomenon. It is a result of people losing their moral fiber. That is why being considered a liar is one of the most damaging attributes to be given to a person. People get defensive and aggressive when accused of lying, simply because lying is counter intuitive to our nature. The pain of being lied to cuts extremely deep, sometimes more painful that physical lashes. Lying disintegrates your truth, your truth about yourself, about what you know about the world and the person(s) you dealing with in that situation. To be lied to is completely detrimental and that is because we intrinsically believe words to carry truth. We understand that when someone says something, those words represent their feelings and intentions. Not so long ago, verbal agreements were considered binding contracts, word was bond. It puts a heavier responsibility on those who use words to make a living, those who have been given the gift and talent to put words together ad bring about something tangible for the betterment or destruction of society. The media today has so much power to sway society based on what they communicate. To investigate the weight and importance of words, look at your own life and the role played by communication throughout different stages. Words from childhood from our parents, siblings, teachers, coaches etc. still play a crucial role in how we interact with the world around us in our adulthood. Those words made or broke us, and we even find ourselves wrestling with lingering effects of words even after those who spoke them rest in grave. That is the power and effect of words. They bring to life the hidden intention carried by every heart, the hopes and aspiration of every soul and should never be under estimated. If anything, they should be used wisely. When you can use your words well, you command a certain amount of respect, you’re considered wise. People take time to sit and listen. Make certain that you bring right and beneficial energy to create something beautiful and worth while.